Customized Mouth Guards:

Your Smile's Best Protector

Mouth guards not only shield your teeth but also promote better sleep. Whether you're chasing after a ball on the field or heading to bed, a mouth guard can significantly contribute to a healthier, happier smile.

Who Benefits from Mouth Guards?

dental mouth guards for sports and protecting your teethContact sports have become a part of our lives, but how can you safeguard your precious smile? The answer lies in mouth guards. By minimizing the impact of facial or oral injuries, mouth guards help prevent chipped or knocked-out teeth. Moreover, individuals with sleep apnea or chronic snoring can find relief with a mouth guard, as it adjusts the jaw position to enhance airway openness. So, whether you're pursuing your athletic endeavors or seeking a good night's rest, a mouth guard can make a world of difference in maintaining your overall dental well-being and radiant smile.

5 Compelling Reasons to Use a Mouth Guard:

  • Engaging in contact sports or activities? Protect yourself or your child.
  • Have a history of dental injuries or fractures? Safeguard your smile.
  • Struggling with teeth grinding or jaw clenching? Find relief and preserve your oral health.
  • Dealing with TMD or jaw joint pain? Discover the comfort of a mouth guard.
  • Undergoing orthodontic treatment? Enhance your teeth's shield and ensure their safety.

Types of Mouthguards

There are three types of mouthguards available for dental protection:

  • Stock mouthguards: These mouthguards are pre-made and ready to wear. They are affordable and can be purchased at sporting goods stores and pharmacies. However, they offer limited adjustability in terms of fit and tend to be bulky, making breathing and talking difficult. Furthermore, they provide minimal protection.
  • Boil and bite mouthguards: Another option is the boil and bite mouthguard, which is also available at sporting goods stores and pharmacies. These mouthguards offer a better fit compared to stock mouthguards. To customize the fit, the mouthguard is softened by placing it in hot water. Then, it is shaped around the teeth using finger and tongue pressure.
  • Custom fitted mouthguards: The most tailored option is the custom fitted mouthguard, which is designed and crafted in a dental office or professional dental lab, following your dentist's instructions. These mouthguards are created from an impression of your teeth and then molded with a special material. Although they are the most expensive choice, they offer the highest level of comfort, optimal fit, and superior protection.

Choose the mouthguard that suits your needs and budget to ensure proper dental protection during physical activities.

Visit Bishop Ranch Dentistry for the Best Mouthguards

At Bishop Ranch Dentistry, we prioritize your smile and well-being. Nelson Wong, DDS is committed to providing exceptional, personalized dental care using the latest techniques and advanced technology. We understand your unique concerns and offer customized comfort and optimal protection to address your specific needs. To schedule a consultation, please call us at (925) 830-8989.

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